“Talk about low budget flights! No food or movies, I'm outta here! I like running better!”Speedfvlz is a blue mobian hedgehog born with the ability to run faster than the speed of sound, hence his name, and possesses lightning fast reflexes to match. As his species implies, he can also roll up into a concussive ball, primarily to attack enemies. Also, he's gifted with the ability to control the Chaos Emeralds. Meet him here: Speedfvlz Carrd!

“I'm all ready to be a Superstar!”Tripfvlz is an anthropomorphic sungazer lizard that inhabits the Northstar Islands. She was once hired by Dr. Eggman and Fang the Hunter to guide them through the archipelago's areas before defecting from them and joining Sonic and his friends. She is the current guardian of the Northstar Islands. Meet her here: Tripfvlz Carrd!

"If I had to choose the world and Sonic, I would choose Sonic!"Heartfvlz is a mobian hedgehog with a major crush on Speedfvlz. Since meeting Speedfvlz on Little Planet, Heartfvlz has become his self-proclaimed girlfriend and has attempted to win his heart by any means during their adventures. She wields the Piko Piko Hammer, a powerful melee weapon which she uses with skills second to none and never leaves home without. Meet her here: Heartfvlz Carrd!

“I'll probably be on this floating island forever, guarding the Master Emerald once again. I may not know the whole story behind this, but perhaps it's better that way. I'm at peace once more.”Strengthfvlz is a mobian echidna and the current Guardian of the Master Emerald, a powerful ancient relic which is his solemn duty to protect from anyone seeking to abuse it. He is also the sole remaining descendant of the Echidna Clan. His dominant traits are his superhuman strength, and the two spike-like knuckles on each of his hands, from which his name is derived from, which he can use to dig with and climb walls. He can also trap the wind under his dreadlocks to glide through the air. Meet him here: Strengthfvlz Carrd!

“I've changed a lot since I started hanging with Sonic, but I can't depend on him forever. I know I can do this by myself!”Flightfvlz is an anthropomorphic fox who, due to a genetic abnormality, was born with two distinct twin-tails, hence his nickname. Due to his abnormality, Tails was a victim of bullying during his youth. One day, however, he met Sonic the Hedgehog and was inspired to become as cool as him after seeing him run like the wind. Tails soon after began following Sonic on his adventures and has since become his best friend and sidekick. He is able to use his twin-tails to fly by rotating them like the rotor blades of a helicopter and is a mechanic genius and aerial pilot. Meet him here: Flightfvlz Carrd!

“If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have!”Chaosfvlz is a mobian/hedgehog-Black Arm hybrid and the arch-rival of Speedfvlz. Chaosfvlz was created as the Ultimate Life Form by Gerald Robotnik, using the DNA of Black Doom, and is the end result of Project Chaos. His purpose was to provide ways to develop a cure for incurable deadly illnesses, more specifically for Gerald's granddaughter Maria Robotnik, but he was captured and put into stasis by the military when he was deemed as a threat to humanity. Meet him here: Chaosfvlz Carrd!

“It's been generations since the last time I saw you, buddy!”Maniafvlz is Speedfvlz's younger self from his classic years who, like Speedfvlz, stops Eggman from conquering the world with the chaos emeralds. He also occasionally time-travels to his older self's time to stop Dr. Eggman. He is the arch-nemesis of Classic Eggman. Meet him here: Maniafvlz Carrd!